Thursday, February 9, 2012

Getting better...

So hubby and I have been in a slump for quite some time. We get out of it, then back in, and the cycle repeats. More often we have been *in* than out in the past few years. At times, it has been almost unbearable. At times I have felt we have reached the point of no return. But lately I feel like he is starting *get* it. I am not gonna lie. We have been through *a lot* in our marriage. And I would say most couples who go through the things we have together, would not still be together. So for us to have celebrated 12 yrs of marriage is a *huge* accomplishment and one I am very proud of. Neither of us has given up. We both hope for a better future and we both believe it can and will happen. I see people giving up on their marriages all around me. Now, I am not here to judge their decisions, I haven't lived their life. But I know that the divorce rate in our country is astronomical and there is a reason for that. Divorce, while extremely difficult to go through, is often easier than working things out. I know. I have had them cross my own mind. Marriage is HARD WORK. And it's even HARDER WORK when one person is doing all the work, while the other is either ignoring everything or just taking whatever he/she can get. I know statistically we should be divorced. Stats show based on our childhood experiences and family dynamics as well as the things we have endured in our marriage, we *should* be divorced. So why aren't we? Best answer I can give is... God! Thankfully He is number one in my life and He truly helps me make it through each and every day. Without prayer and God's blessings and help, we would not still be married. Guaranteed! Hubby and I also have never viewed divorce as a real option. I say 'real' because we both have said it is what we want at different times in a heated argument, but neither of us will actually follow through with that. We said "till death do us part" and even though I have dealt with things most women would not (and a few things NO woman should), I *still* have the belief that we are in this together and that people can make mistakes and learn from them and never repeat them again. I have always been one to root for the underdog. I have always been faithful and loyal and trusting... to my own detriment some times. I have always felt like I am "responsible" for other people (maybe I need to let go of that). So all that said I titled this post "Getting better" because *finally* (do I dare say this aloud??) I feel that hubby and I are working together as a team. I have felt like we are on opposing teams for so long, I had almost forgotten what it's like to be teammates/partners. We are communicating more effectively. We are tolerating eachother's differences *much* better. We are helping each other and working together. We are a team! So even though our marriage will never be perfect. For right now, it is getting better... much better.