Monday, October 19, 2009

Best gift ever!!

I found out today that my husband will be coming home for my daughter's 2nd birthday party! This is the best gift he could give both her and me. If I could choose 1 special occasion I would want my husband to be home for, it's definitely our daughter's b-day party. Christmas and Thanksgiving and Easter are all holidays that are special, but our little girl's birthday party is the MOST special day for her and her alone. The plane ticket is crazy expensive and normally I would be cringing at the thought of spending that money on a plane ticket. However, in this situation I told him that money could not be spent on anything better. The memories we will have and the pictures our daughter will have with my husband present are worth all the money it costs and NOTHING we would buy with that money would be more important than our daughter having her daddy home for her b-day. I texted hubby and told him he just made my week!

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