Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back to blogging...

I decided I need a place where I can blog "anonymously". I used to blog on myspace about my infertility journey. Now I have a beautiful, amazing nearly 2 year-old little girl. You may think my journey has ended... not by a long shot! My journey has just begun.

Now I have entered the world of parenting while also being the wife of a full-time police officer/part-time soldier. Life is crazy right now. My husband is deploying soon to Afghanistan. I am trying to be a mommy, a teacher, and take care of the house, finances, etc. Will I ever have time just for me? Sure, in about 16 years!

I have so many emotions stirring around... I long for a time when I can just have a "normal" life. I have to had to "fight" for everything. I got married at 27, went through 7 1/2 years of infertility (and 4 years of medical treatments). I went back to college after I got married and finished my Bachelor's degree just before I turned 30. So now at 37 (wow, can't believe I am 37) I have been married 10 yrs (next month), have a 2-year old (next month), am a full-time teacher, and am exhausted trying to do it all.

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