Friday, March 19, 2010

Delayed homecoming

So hubby called last night and there is now going to be a homecoming (and I didn't even have to write and get nasty to anyone (-;). The catch is, it will be 30 days AFTER the soldiers return home. Whatever. It is what it is. Go with the flow. Don't worry, be happy. Pick your battles. Ya know, all the cliches. So (yoga pose and breathing ... in through the nose, out through the mouth...)... I'm letting it go.

My spring break is drawing to an end and then it's going to BUSY time. Augh. I have been working, not on work stuff, but *manual labor* stuff at home all week. And I have so much more to do.

I found out yesterday that my great-grandma now has cancer. She is 96. I guess if there is a "good" time to get cancer, it's when you are 96. But it doesn't make it any less sad. I am thinking positive and she is thinking positive (at least outwardly), so I am looking forward to celebrating her 100th b-day in 3 1/2 years!

I am exhausted. I think the over-tired, not giving in to sleep, 2-year old is now finally asleep. So I will try to stay awake long enough to read a few more pages in that last Twilight book that I can't seem to finish the last 100 pages.

Looking forward to hubby's return. Feeling like it so close, yet so far away.

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