Monday, March 29, 2010

Rough Day

So I received a text from hubby last night saying he is sick. He ended up texting me a few times until I finally went to bed about 12:45AM! He said he had a fever, chills, and muscle aches. He was given several medications. I, of course, feel horrible. He is in Afghanistan, it's not like I can help any. And apparently, there are no sick days when you are deployed. So he is still working his regular 10-12 hour shifts.

Today I am exhausted from finally having a night with adults. (-: I stayed out until 10:30PM! And then the girl/friend/co-worker who took care of my 2-year old daughter and I stayed up until midnight chatting. I think we both just needed someone to talk to. Lonely? Perhaps.

My daughter has had some rough days lately. Wanting mommy at bed time, nap time and any time I am busy with something. Wanting nothing to do with mommy when I am free, ready to play and wanting to hold her. Grrrrrr...

I finally was able to get her to nap at 3PM. It's now 6:12PM and she is still napping. This should be a fun night. At least I have gotten some laundry done, work done, eating done... and ... I hear a little one...

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